What is new about your project this year?* Please share any new developments or successes. This information will be used for our research communication, including tours, articles, outreach, and more.
Describe any changes in your experimental set up for this year’s activities* Please mention any changes regarding space needs, location of your research plot/area, public access limitations to your plot, preferred interaction with or exclusion from other farm activities (i.e. exclusive use of land for your project), additional storage needs. Use this
UBC Farm Map for a reference regarding field codes and locations description. 200 max words.
Describe your needs in terms of Farm staff support for this year activities* Equipment, labour, and inputs needed. Also, indicate if you have any particular crop management requirements. 200 max words.
Please share your budget line by downloading this budget template.
Short Project Summary* Please include Problem Statement, Research Question(s), Methods, and Objectives written in language that could be posted on the CSFS website upon approval. 200-350 words.
Describe your project’s space needs: Area Size (square meters)* Give us the most detail possible to describe your space/access needs and associated requirements: area (square meters), preferred shape and dimensions of your requested plot, preferred location (e.g. forested vs. agriculture field, sun/shade), any public access limitation needs, preferred interaction with or exclusion from other farm activities (i.e. exclusive use of land for your project), additional storage needs. Please see
UBC Farm Map . 200 max words.
Describe what will happen at UBC Farm as part of your project* Describe the activities that will happen at the Farm (e.g., data collection, installation of sensors or specific plant/crops, external people accessing the site, specific educational/community activities), planned frequency of those activities, and any other relevant details. 300 max words.
Describe your needs in terms of Farm staff support* Equipment, labour, and inputs needed. Also indicate if any particular crop management requirements. 200 max words.
Please write below the funding source(s) supporting your proposed activities at the Farm* This can be government funding, private funding, a research grant, undergraduate thesis grant, or specific course funding.
Project associated fees* Please describe below the User Fees applicable to your project. Please check the
UBC Farm User Fee Schedule for guidance. All projects are subjected to annual admin and start-up consultation fees. Project information signage is required for projects involving the establishment of project-specific crops, semi-permanent structures, or apparent pieces of equipment. Apart from that, if your project requires exclusive or semi-exclusive land use, please tell us the land area you require to be dedicated to your project (m2), and any other additional cost as described on the Fee schedule (i.e. hours of technician time to support your project, hours of tractor usage, irrigation needs, etc). If you selected “Not currently funded” above, please explain how you plan to cover these costs.