Market Recipe Blog: Potato Broccoli Cheez Soup (GF + V)

As a kid, broccoli cheese soup is one of my favourites in the winter months. The secret ingredient to a silky smooth soup without the dairy is a good ol’ potato! This root vegetable has always been super versatile and provides substance into any meal. Not only that, but potatoes are a great source of many vitamins and minerals and fiber for digestive health.

Potato Broccoli Cheez Soup (Gluten-free & Vegan)
- 1 carrot, chopped into chunks
- 1 yellow potato, cubed
- ¾ cup nutritional yeast
- 2 cups water + 2 cups water, divided
- 1 tbsp mustard
- 2 small crowns broccoli
- Salt, freshly cracked pepper, paprika to taste
- In a medium pot, cook chopped potatoes and carrots in boiling water until soft.
- Keep the water you used to boil the potatoes and carrots to use as the soup base for later, so you don’t need to use broth!
- In a blender or food processor, add in the cooked potatoes, carrots, nutritional yeast, 2 cups of the saved starchy water used to boil the potatoes/carrots, and mustard. Blend until smooth.
- Pour the cheezy mixture back into the pot and add in broccoli and the additional 2 cups of water to thin it into a soup consistency. Add in additional water or broth to reach the consistency you like.
- Bring to a boil to cook the broccoli. You can choose to blend up the broccoli with an immersion blender if you wish, but we left the soup chunky as pictured.
- Serve immediately with some cheesy soldiers or toast!
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