UBC Farm Research Data Sharing Agreement-Consent Form

UBC Farm Research Data Sharing Agreement-Consent Form

Our data sharing agreement provides guidance as to how we manage and make public UBC Farm research data and metadata. All UBC Farm researchers collecting non-Indigenous data are expected to comply with this policy. Please, read the policy carefully in the link above, and fill and submit the form below to confirm your consent. You can contact the CSFS research team with any questions or feedback you might have.

Regarding your data collection at the UBC Farm, please ensure your dataset includes the following variables:

    • Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
    • Location code (please, use these farm field codes; if multisite within UBC Farm)
    • Site (e.g., UBC Farm or Totem Field; if multisite external to UBC Farm)
    • Note: Time and GPS coordinates (UTM format) are preferred but not required variables.

Principal investigators (PIs) will be expected to submit the data generated at the UBC Farm within 6 months of an experiment’s completion. Once your project at UBC Farm ends, we will reach out to request a copy of your data and metadata. Once you are ready to make it publicly available, we will post it on our public data repository.

UBC Farm Research Data Sharing Agreement-Consent Form

  • This field is hidden when viewing the form

    Section 1

  • Please, use the same title as in your approved UBC Farm land-based proposal.
  • If the dataset is associated with a course at UBC, please also provide a brief course description here.
  • For example: will your research be conducted within farm plots that have associated field codes? Will you collect GPS coordinates?
  • YYYY dash MM dash DD