Work Learn Profile: Rei Clarissa, Children’s Program Assistant

What did you learn in this position?
My name is Rei and I was one of the Children’s Program Assistants at the FarmWonders Camp. As someone who didn’t grow up surrounded by nature, I think this summer really hammered it home to me what it is that is at stake with global warming. It also made me realize how important our connection with nature is, and to never lose it.
Why does this work matter?
My experience has given me a newfound appreciation of our planet, which is why I think that FarmWonders is a wonderful program. In a world where kids are surrounded by computers and smartphones, I think it provides a great opportunity for kids to get back in touch with the living world around them and just be kids.
What would you tell a new student taking on this role? Or what do you wish you had known?
To new students taking on this role, I think the most important part is to have fun. Rediscover childlike wonder! Be curious, because God knows that I came in knowing almost absolutely nothing about plants and learned as much, if not probably more, than the kids. It’s also easier to teach kids about something when you’re obviously interested in it. Also, remember that every kid is different. But, really, one my favourite things was coming in on Monday to see what this week’s kids were going to be like!
What should people know about the UBC Farm that they probably don’t know?
I think a lot of people don’t know about the UBC Farm in general, because I’ve talked to a lot of people who were surprised that UBC has a farm at all. Which is a shame, because I’ve grown to love the UBC Farm so much. The community of people working at the Farm is so great and welcoming, and I think the story behind its existence today is one that people should know. I think it’s pretty cool to hear about a community coming together to protect this plot of land. In another world, there would only be housing and buildings where the Farm stands today, and what a sadder world that would be.
What’s your favourite thing to do at the UBC Farm?
My favourite thing to do at the UBC Farm was probably the Blueberry U-Pick. I love strawberries, and the UBC Farm strawberries are probably the best strawberries I’ve ever had in my life, but it’s also given me a new appreciation for people who pick strawberries. Other than that, I also like going to the Saturday Market just because it’s so fun!