Hands on Sourdough

Hands on Sourdough

Hands On Sourdough About this Workshop Creating your own artisan sourdough is a lengthy but rewarding experience. The whole process usually spans over 2 days! In this 3-hour class, different stages of dough will be ready in advance to demonstrate as best as possible what to except when you’re doing it at home. You will […]
Bees & Honey

Bees & Honey

Bees & Honey About this Workshop If you love honey and want to learn about it’s composition and how honey bees make it, this is the class for you.  We will delve into the delicious world of honey, from it’s nutritional and medicinal qualities to a microscopic examination of various types and how to appreciate […]
Painting and Exploring Nature

Painting and Exploring Nature

Painting and Exploring Nature About this Workshop Painting and exploring Landscape at UBC Farm. This course will allow students to experiment with different painting techniques through the mosaic of landscapes found at the UBC Farm. These diverse and stimulating environments will provide the backdrop to painting instruction and work sessions which will help you develop […]
Year-round Vegetable Gardening

Year-round Vegetable Gardening

Year-round Vegetable Gardening About this Workshop Start with planning and planting in the summer for fall and winter harvest! Discover the right varieties of vegetables for the cooler growing season. Learn what and how to plant for continuous harvest this winter. Understanding the needs of each variety is key! Look at design ideas for diverse […]
Drawing in Nature

Drawing in Nature

Drawing in Nature About this Workshop Drawing in Nature at UBC Farm. This experimental course will integrate different drawing techniques to explore the diverse environments found at UBC Farm. From drawing individual plants, to approaching landscapes, to conceptual drawings relating the plants to their uses, this course will allow you to develop better drawing and […]
Natural History of Honey Bees

Natural History of Honey Bees

The Natural Hisory of Honey Bees About this Workshop A presentation and demonstration about the natural history of honey bees. As a Super Organism honey bee colonies are dazzling in their complexity and fascinating to study. We will cover the salient points of what makes a honey bee a honey bee, placing these charming and […]
Bees & Wax

Bees & Wax

Bees & Wax About this Workshop Honey comb appears to be nearly perfect in it’s geometric composition, each hexagonal cell identical to its neighbour.  Or is it?  How bees make wax and how they use it is fascinating and surprising.  Let’s explore wax and it’s wonders together, what it is made of, how the bees […]
FULL: Spring Foraging

FULL: Spring Foraging

Spring Foraging About this Workshop How would you survive without a grocery store? Chef Robin Kort will teach you how to find wild spring treasures; food like seaweeds, winter mushrooms, edible plants, and roots that you can find in our forests, meadows, and oceans. This workshop will cover everything you need to know to safely […]
Making Rope from Foraged Fibre

Making Rope from Foraged Fibre

Making Rope from Foraged Fibre About this Workshop Come learn how to make your own rope for hanging succulents, making buntings, adding a personal touch to your gift wrapping, or any other functional or decorative use you can think of! Join Rebecca Graham in an exploration of one of the most ancient human skills: rope-making. […]
Making Cloth: Introduction to Hand-Spinning

Making Cloth: Introduction to Hand-Spinning

Making Cloth: Introduction to Hand-spinning About this Workshop Ever wanted to know how cloth is made? Our ancestors usually made their cloth themselves from the plants and animals in their surroundings, but today we usually don’t know where our cloth comes from, what it’s made of, or who made it. In this class, we’ll cover […]