Work Learn Profile: Mackenzie Dorsey, UBC Farm Ambassador

What did you work on in this role?
As the Farm Ambassador, I worked on a lot of outreach tasks. I would help out with events wherever needed. I ran the Outreach booth at the Saturday multi-vendor farmers’ markets, and answered any and all questions related about the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems and the UBC Farm! Additionally, I helped run the UBC Farm’s social media and worked on a lot of content creation. A large part of which was promoting the 20th Anniversary of the UBC Farm and the 10th Anniversary of the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems!
What did you learn in this position?
My favourite thing I learnt in this position was just how dedicated and large the community is that supports the UBC Farm! Through my position, I was able to explore the history of the UBC Farm and the steps that led to us celebrating the Anniversary this year. It was touching to learn how the community came together for the Save the Farm campaign or the Great Farm Trek, and that many of those people still are supporters of the UBC Farm today. Whether it be the people that first advocated for the Farm, all those currently working at the Farm, or regular farmers’ market patrons, the UBC Farm community is strong!
Why does this work matter?
There is a vast amount of opportunities to be able to engage with the farm. There’s capacity for research, education, volunteering and work experience. You can hold events and host workshops at the UBC Farm. The UBC Farm has an abundance of offerings that many people don’t know about. The Farm is a great asset to UBC, and it is important that students, professors, and the community know about this “hidden gem” at the bottom of campus!
What would you tell a new student taking on this role? Or what do you wish you had known?
Always bring layers when spending a day at the Farm.
What should people know about the UBC Farm that they probably don’t know?
There’s a student discount!
What’s your favourite thing to do at the UBC Farm?
I love seeing the new growth of the flowers in the field or in the tunnels. The UBC Farm grows all of my favourite flower varieties, and I love watching the new blooms!
What other roles have you held at CSFS at the UBC Farm?
I have not held any previous roles at the CSFS at the UBC Farm, other than patron of the Farmers’ Markets.