Work Learn Profile: Ashley Bell, Vegetable Field Worker

What did you work on in this role?
Cucurbits, goosefoots, and alliums
What did you learn in this position?
About the planting and harvesting methods of various plants, seeding, watering, processing, teamwork, and communication
Why does this work matter?
It’s important to maintain our organic food farms and understand where our produce comes from. The farm offers a space to do this as well as implement research, indigenous foodways, and children into the community learning too.
What would you tell a new student taking on this role? Or what do you wish you had known?
It’s a lot of manual labor and the first few weeks your body will need to get used to it. Eat lots and hydrate!
What should people know about the UBC Farm that they probably don’t know?
Everyone has each other’s best interest at heart and make sure to help each other out whenever possible.
What’s your favourite thing to do at the UBC Farm?
Lay in the hammock behind the farm center
What other roles have you held at CSFS at the UBC Farm?
I was a volunteer in the past